Monday, January 4, 2010

Marietta Injury Lawyer

From his experience as a Marietta Injury Lawyer, collisions on the Interstates are typically the most likely to cause death and serious injury. There are a number of reasons for this including the increased speed limits and the large number of tractor trailers that use the freeways. It is extremely dangerous to stop your vehicle on the interstate, but sometimes it just can't be avoided. There are some steps you can take to reduce this danger.

Except for emergencies, never voluntarily stop your vehicle on the interstate. However, if your car breaks down on the Interstate, get your vehicle to the right shoulder as quickly and safely as possible. If you stay in your vehicle keep your seatbelt on. If you are going to get out of the vehicle use the passenger's door to exit the vehicle. Once out of the vehicle, do not stand near your vehicle or any travel or emergency lanes. Put some safe distance between yourself and the roadway and call 511 (HERO vehicles) and 911. However, sometimes car trouble is immediate and it is not always possible to get over to the right shoulder.

Personal injury lawyers in Atlanta and Marietta sometimes see the more difficult situation when cars break down in interstate travel lanes. This is a terrible situation. Even with the use of hazard lights, it is often difficult for drivers to appreciate a vehicle is stopped on the interstate. When cars are rear-ended at highway speeds the results are often fatal. The Georgia State Patrol and DOT officials recommend you stay in your vehicle, call 911 and 511, and wait for help to arrive. However, State Patrol officers I have talked to say they probably would not sit in a car stopped in a travel lane for fear of getting blasted by a fast moving vehicle. One must use their best judgment when confronted with this situation because leaving your vehicle to walk or run to a safe location can also be extremely dangerous.

1 comment:

  1. Dealing with injuries after an accident is not an easy task. This is due to the fact that aside from those injuries the victim will have to deal with numerous other problems. Being alone in this kind of situation is not good - the victim needs help. Obtaining the best medical help, paying for the treatment, and filing a complaint against the person to blame for the accident can be fairly hard.

    With these stipulations, the victim may search for assistance from a personal injury compensation claims company. Asking help from this kind of company is an excellent idea as they can assist in obtaining an accident compensation claim swiftly.

    As long as the fault is not yours in the accident you suffered, you can make a claim as soon as possible but not later than 3 years after the incident. You can also look for advice on the Internet. Accepting professional assistance on compensation claims case can relieve the trouble of the claimant to a large degree. There are many provisions available under the law which can help get compensation rapidly.for more insights please visit
